Friday, October 24, 2008
Brand New Newsletter !!
Anyone one is welcome to join it drop by our website at Crafters Peddler Village.
Oct 15th 2008 Giveaway

From: Prim Silicone Bulb Shoppe
From: Prim Silicone Bulb Shoppe
From : Silicone Bulb Shoppe
From : Ragdollz
From : Pairie Girl Boutique
From : Six Peas in a Pod
The following items being shown are from our Oct 15th 2008 Big Giveaway. Thank you so much for your donations Girls !!! You can visit these site by clicking on the name linked to there website. They all have some awasome primitive items. If you would like to see when our next drawing will happen or join to have a chance to win drop by our Giveaway Page
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Word Scramble Oct 15 Answers !!
Prairie Girl boutique winner : Pamela Lynch / Back in the Day Primitives
Six Peas in a Pod winner : Keelee / Sassy Soaps N Such
Silicone Bulb Shoppe winner : Andrea Carrier / Crows Nest Primitive Shoppe
Word Scrable Game October 15th Newsletter
By: Michele
Black Cat alkcb atc
Halloween eohlnalew
Autumn umatnu
October cborote
Ghost tsgho
Gobblins ibogbsn
pumpkins upmnspki
witch htwic
chocolate acohltcoe
Candy Apples daycn splape
Haunted House eahutnd ohsue
Falling Leaves lfianlg evslae
Pine Cones enip encso
Cob Webs cbo sbew
Trick or Treat itcrk ro atret
October Newsletter Recipe
Donated by : Cheryl (Crafty)
Triple Fudge Brownies
1 pkg. (3.9 oz) instant chocolate pudding mix1 pkg. (18 1/4 oz) chocolate cake mix2 c. (12 oz ) semisweet chocolate chipsConfectioner's sugar (optional) Prepare pudding according to package directions. Whisk in cake mix. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour into a greased 15"x10"1" baking pan.Bake at 350 F for 30-35 mins or until the top springs back when lightly touched. (Optional: Dust with confectioner's sugar.)Yield: 4 dozen
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Augs 2008 updates
We would like to update our readers with the CPV. This summer and been very busy for both of us ( Judy and Shawnette ) with both our personal lifes. Shawnette is recovering from her cancer treatment and doing well but still recoving ... please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Judy is still adjusting with taking over full time care with both her parents in her home. This has been a major adjustment for her and her family with both her parents illness.
This has not slowed down the CPV staff in advertizing and promotions it just has taken alittle more time to ad new ads and thank you all for understanding if it took us a few days longer with our work.
The following changes have been made...
- We have made a few small changes to our welcome page today.
- Spot Light Crafter of the month has been removed and will return in Oct. for the holidays.
- We added a few of our website sponsors to the lower part of the welcome page. Please drop by and visit these sites they provide a lot of wonderful crafty information.
- Our Craft Give Away page will start back up in Oct. 2008 so do not forget to join our news letter or join us as one of our life time members to have a chance to win once of great drawings.
- We are currently looking for a new editor for our news letters if this might be something you would like to do please email us. info(AT)
- We have a nice Ad coming out in the upcoming Mercantile Gatherings Magazine !!
We we hope all our readers and visitors have had a great summer! Be sure to check back often on any updates with the CPV.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Updates and News
We wanted to let our viewers know that we do have a nice Ad coming out in the Mercantile Gatherings Magazine in July. But the best news is we will be doing a CO-OP Ad for any crafters website to advertise in with the Fall Issue !! We are hiring Cheryl Seslar to design out layout and this should be ready by the end of July. So be on the look out for our post when we will start talking orders for this co-op ad.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
CPV Updates

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Easter Spring Give Away

May 9th,08 Word Scramble
1.Dolls - sldol
2. Spot Light Crafter - ostp igtlh errtacf
3. Village Blog - lavegli obgl
4. Crafters Peddlers Village - efrrcats eeddlpsr igavlel
5. Graphics - iscrgpha
6. Americana - cainmaare
7. Crafts - frtcas
8. Fourth of July- uhroft of yluj
9. Memorial Day - oiaremlm yda
10. Primitives - rvtiepmisi
11. Home Décor - emho odrce
12. Collectibles - lleticbcseol
13. Plug Board - upgl rdoba
14. Newsletter - enlsretwte
15. Candles - dsnclae
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Nutters and Judy update

Spot Light Crafter ( May -June )
Now isn't that a great story thank you so much Carly for sharing with us. I also have to add I own one of her OOAK Hand Bags and just Love it!!
April and May new members !!
Cherished Templates , Bath Body & Bliss , Artsy Crafty Folks , Log Cabin Crafters , My LiL Craft Barn , Limestone Hill Primitives , Country Primitives Needle Works , The Gingerbread Barn
New Staff Member
Friday, March 7, 2008
Special Alert
CRAFTERS PEDDLER VILLAGE will be selling all life time banner ad's for $3.00 to help as well More info click here.
Friday, February 1, 2008
February 1st trivia answers!
1 - What percentage of women send themselves flowers on Valentines Day?
Answer: 15%!
2 - About how many Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year?
A – 1 million
B – 200 million
C – 750 million
D – 1 billion
Answer: D
3 - Hallmark has how many different cards that are specifically for Valentine’s Day?
A – 200
B – 800
C – 1300
D – 2500
Answer: C
4 - What percentage of pet owners give their pet a gift on Valentines?
A – 3 %
B – 10%
C – 25%
D – none
Answer: A
To sign up for the newsletter and get lots of info and more trivia....go to the Crafters Peddler Village site and sign-up! We try to include new clients info, trivia, interviews with crafters, and information of importance or interest to website owners.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Trivia ~ January 17th Answers
1. How many Americans make New Year's resolutions according to a General Nutrition Center poll?
A. 51 percentB. 66 percentC. 88 percentD. 92 percent
2. What is the most common New Year's resolution?
A. Take a tripB. Spend more time with familyC. Save moneyD. Lose weight and get healthy
3. What percentage of people sticks to their resolutions for at least two months?
A. 63 percentB. 52 percentC. 27 percentD. 10 percent
1 - c
2 - d
3 - a
Thank you Melaine for all your hard work with the CPV newsletter.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Interview with Lazy Dayz Primitives
An interview with CPV and Lazy Dayz Primitives Owner - Lucy
How long have you been in business? I've been making dolls professionally since 1980. I began making primitives in 2002
How long have you been crafting and what kind of crafty items do you make? I've always crafted. My Dad gave me a chain stitch sewing machine when I was 4. I started sewing then. By the time I was 8, I'd crocheted my first rag rug, hand pieced my first quilt top, tied a quilt with my mother's help and my Daddy got me a treadle sewing machinefor my birthday and Mom helped me make my first blouse..... I've also made wooden benches, shelves and decorative items, knitted sweaters, crocheted doilies and afgans, upholstered chairs, and finished an attic bedroom by myself,
Who inspired you to start crafting and how old were you? My mother believed idle children go in trouble so she kept us busy. There was never a time when I didn't do some sort of crafting.
Do you have formal training? Not exactly. I learned initially from watching my mom. I joined 4-H where I took up dressmaking, and I took every home economics course offered in high school. Beyond those--I've learned from books and by trial and error.
What's the best part of having your own business? The freedom to choose my work hours even though there are far more of them than in a job away from home.
Advice for someone trying to build their own business: Believe in yourself and believe in your dreams. If you love what you do and do what you love, everything else works out.
What are your future goals for your business? I want to add lots more finished dolls as well as lots more patterns. I expect to keep growing.
What do you make/what’s your craft of choice? I make a huge variety of primitive and folk art dolls, critters, stitcheries and design patterns so others can make dolls similar to mine. Primitive and folk art dolls are my favorite. There are endless possiblilities of styles, sizes, shapes and colors; and that stimulates my imagination.
How did you get started with your craft? Oh wow--when I started sewing, I made clothing for my dolls. When I was 7 I got a book at school with instructions for a stuffed dog made from a sock. My mother wasn't happy that I used one of Dad's socks but it turned out really well. In 1980 when a friend suggested I do a craft show, dolls seemed like something not many people would make themselves so that's where I started..
What inspires you? Everything.
What’s been the most rewarding aspect of your craft? I love to make people smile and I know my dolls do that!
Are there any trends in crafting you've been noticing lately? Scrapbooking but I prefer to work with fibers. Do you have a favorite? My sewing
When do you find the time to craft? Always--I get up between 4:30 and 6:00 AM and start sewing before breakfast. I sew most of the day and I sew in the evenings after supper. Did I mention I love to sew?
What advice would you give to newbies who want to start their own craft business? Believe in yourself. And learn to do the difficult things'll be so proud of your accomplishment. Above all, take pride in what you do!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Dec drawing Prize 2 & 3
Dec Drawing & " Big Basket" !!
Teresa's Primitive Treasures , Gourmet Dip Mixes , Sugerplum Country Cottage , thads , BUNDLES GIFTS , Country Lane Folkart , Im Seeing Raggedies and many other fine crafters this was valued at $150.00