Judy has been professionally crafting for too many years to mention and selling her handcrafted products on the internet since 1997. Working in various mediums her she found a niche she loved in creating dolls, patterns, stitchery and handpainted pillows which she sold both retail and wholesale. In the past four years she has concentrated on creating one of a kind dolls and pillows for retail sale. During the the past year Judy ventured into tart and candle making and has found a product line she loves creating and sells on her website
Mudpie Primitives.
Crafters Peddlers Village is the reality of a dream she has had for many years to help other crafters and artist advertise and find resources for presenting their products on the internet. Judy lives in Texaas with her two sons, an army husband and her golden retrievers (sometimes we wonder which she loves the most -just ask her about her dogs).